We provide Photography & Videography
for the Sioux Falls, SD area locally and we're always willing to travel.
We are husband/wife photographers with 25 years of experience in our field.
We've been privileged to witness and capture life full circle,
from engagements to weddings, families, newborns, seniors, anniversaries & memorials.
We're just as comfortable in the wedding industry as with event coverage or a private family session.
We bring years of working together as a team, loving God, one another & life to the table,
and we truly appreciate the blessings of working with amazing people.
'For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face:
now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.'
1 Cor 13:12
I’ve always felt a connection with this passage. I was born blind in one eye, yet I became a photographer and for whatever reason, the text just speaks to me plainly. With the one good eye God gave me, His beauty is already too much to behold. Still, I’m reminded that in my present state I can only see it with one eye, through glass, and darkly.
How beautiful it will be, when there is nothing between us.


I am a photographer because God is a gifted artist. I see His beauty all around me. My work is nothing more than a simple attempt at capturing just a glimmer of His handiwork, already in progress through His creation.
From both ends the pendulum swings
when a Creator is painted by created beings.
Though now through darkened glass we see
what faith, what hope, what Love might be.
Oh! The joys and sorrows found
when from on high the trumpets sound
And we are left with what we thought,
what was Truth and what was not.
And yet as Grace expands our view,
we will but know it to be true.
The heart, the soul, the matter is:
He is ours, and we are His.