I looked over at the hospital across the road, where my Grandmother Barbara has been wrapping up her life’s story. I looked to my right to the motel where she worked as the Hospitality gal, making sure breakfast was perfect for everyone, and I remembered how much they appreciated her level of loving care for all the sojourning souls. Her home was right around the corner, just a stone’s throw, and this little pond in the middle of it all was where she once told me she liked to come, to watch the geese and ducks. I realized that while her 91 years have been spread all over, she spent most of the last 20 right here in this little 2-square-mile space. So when those geese and those ducks came waddling and paddling right up to me, it felt only right to stop and smell the roses, take their picture and reflect on her.
She’s in hospice now, and my Momma is with her. I asked if she rallied again to please show her the pictures of the geese and the ducks, maybe she’ll remember, maybe it will help? She did open her eyes. She did show her the pictures, and my Mom sent me this picture of her beautiful brown eyes and her smiling just after.
She is still soldiering on, but she'll soon be home, and how much more marvelous will it be?
Solomon said, 'A good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of death than the day of birth.'
Some suppose that's true because we are that much nearer to the Lord.